Institutes & Centers
True innovation often happens when individual investigators come together to solve big questions. From single disciplinary efforts to multi-institutional undertakings, faculty and researchers bring enormous intellectual capital to bear in seeking answers through UChicago’s more than 140 institutes and centers.
Search Institutes & Centers
Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics
An intellectual destination for the world’s best scholars in economics to convene, share knowledge, and insight while sparking new ideas.
Chicago Forum
The Chicago Forum promotes the understanding, practice, and advancement of free and open discourse at the University of Chicago and beyond.
Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC)
EPIC works to confront the global energy challenge by producing data-driven research that translates into real-world impact.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, West Asia & North Africa (ISAC)
An interdisciplinary research center that integrates archaeological, textual, and art historical data to understand the development and functioning of the ancient civilizations of the Near East.
Institute of Politics
A non-partisan organization that aims to inspire and cultivate the next generation of political and public service leaders.
The Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Advancing innovative ideas and technologies from the University of Chicago ecosystem to the world.
- Center for Advanced Radiation Sources
- Center for Advancing Research and Communications in STEM
- Center for Asian Health Equity
- Center for Chronic Disease Research and Policy
- Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience
- Center for Comparative Constitutionalism
- Center for Comprehensive Care and Research on Memory Disorders
- Center for Disciplinary Innovation
- Center for Early Childhood Research
- Center for East Asian Studies
- Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies
- Center for Economic Policy
- Center for EPR Imaging in Vivo Physiology
- Center for Gesture Sign and Language
- Center for Global Health
- Center for Health Administration Studies
- Center for Health and the Social Sciences
- Center for Health Policy
- Center for Health Statistics
- Center for Hellenic Studies
- Center for Human Potential and Public Policy
- Center for Human Rights
- Center for Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Innovation in Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Center for International Social Science Research
- Center for Italian Opera Studies
- Center for Jewish Studies
- Center for Latin American Studies
- Center for Law, Philosophy, and Human Values
- Center for Middle Eastern Studies
- Center for Multiscale Theory and Simulation
- Center for Municipal Finance
- Center for Nanoscale Materials
- Center for Peripheral Neuropathy
- Center for Personalized Therapeutics
- Center for Practical Wisdom
- Center for Research in Security Prices
- Center for Research Informatics
- Center for Robust Decision Making on Climate and Energy Policy
- Center for Spatial Data Science
- Center for the Art of East Asia
- Center for the Economics of Human Development
- Center for the Science of Early Trajectories (SET)
- Center for the Study of Ancient Religions
- Center for the Study of Communication and Society
- Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality
- Center for the Study of Politics and Society
- Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture
- Center in Beijing
- Center in Delhi
- Center in Paris
- Center on Demography and Economics of Aging
- Center on Law and Finance
- CERES Center
- Chapin Hall
- Chicago Biomedical Consortium
- Chicago Center for Cosmochemistry
- Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning
- Chicago Center for the Origins of Life
- Chicago Center for the Theory of Computing and Allied Areas
- Chicago Center for Theoretical Chemistry
- Chicago Center for Youth Violence Prevention
- Chicago Center on Democracy
- Chicago Diabetes Research and Training Center
- Chicago Immunoengineering Innovation Center
- Chicago Quantum Exchange
- Chicago Tri-Institutional Center for Chemical Methods and Library Development
- Chookaszian Accounting Research Center
- Civic Knowledge Project
- Climate Systems Center
- Coase-Sandor Institute for Law and Economics
- Committee on Southern Asian Studies
- Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Computation Institute
- Constitutional Law Institute
- Creel Center for Chinese Paleography
- Crime Lab
- Initiative on Global Markets
- Institute for Biophysical Dynamics
- Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology
- Institute for Integrative Physiology
- Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation
- Institute for Mind and Biology
- Institute for Population and Precision Health
- Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, West Asia & North Africa (ISAC)
- Institute of Politics
- Institute for Translational Medicine
- Interdisciplinary Programs
- International Research Center for Fundamental Discovery
- MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics
- Malyi Center for the Study of Institutional and Legal Integrity
- Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation
- Martin Marty Center for the Advanced Study of Religion
- Materials Research Science and Engineering Center
- Morris Fishbein Center for the History of Science and Medicine
- MRI Research Center
- Tang Center for Herbal Medicine Research
- The Chicago Project on Security and Threats
- The Environmental, Social, and Governance Research Initiative Center
- The Initiative on Enabling Choice and Competition in Healthcare
- The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts
- The Susan and Richard Kiphart Center for Global Health and Social Development
- The UChicago Science of Learning Center
- TMW Center for Early Learning and Public Health