Safety FAQs

  • Yes. Beginning the afternoon of November 9, 2021, the University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) increased foot and vehicular patrols on and near campus and throughout Hyde Park. As part of this effort, UCPD and CPD are conducting joint robbery-directed patrols based on current crime trends and both agencies are increasing traffic enforcement in areas of high pedestrian traffic. CPD has committed to add a significant number of officers this week to the 2nd District (where the University of Chicago is located).

    • Yes. The Chicago Police Department (CPD) will be temporarily adding additional Police Observation Device (POD) camera technology to the Hyde Park area. These remote-controlled cameras are monitored by CPD officers in District stations and aid in deterring crime, identifying suspects, and making arrests.

      While POD cameras are a temporary solution, the University is working with CPD and local alderman to develop a long-term strategy for adding permanent technology solutions to the areas surrounding campus, consistent with best practices and guidelines for such technology.

      • The Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the University’s Department of Safety & Security (DSS) are working together to develop a long-term strategic plan to address the rise in crime, including gun violence, plaguing the communities surrounding the University. 

        In a November 17 webinar, the University announced it is implementing additional strategies, including the creation of a 24-hour UCPD strategic operations center that will allow UCPD to make real-time and proactive adjustments to police and security deployments while also improving emergency communications.

        • Partnership with the City of Chicago, local aldermen, and community leaders is an important part of the University’s plan for crime reduction in the short and long term.

          • UCPD investigators worked closely with Chicago Police Department (CPD) detectives to provide CPD with camera footage and data from University-managed cameras and License Plate Readers to help investigate recent crimes near campus.  On Friday, November 12, CPD announced that it arrested a suspect for the murder of UChicago alumnus Shaoxiong “Dennis” Zheng, who was shot during a robbery attempt near campus. The University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) assisted CPD in the investigation and will continue to support these efforts.

            • The Lyft Ride Smart program for students has been temporarily extended from Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights to seven nights a week through the end of the 2021 calendar year. In addition, the program’s hours expanded to 5 p.m. to 4 a.m. through December 31, 2021.  The University is currently assessing long-term options for the program and will communicate any further changes at the start of Winter Quarter.

              • The University held a safety webinar with University leaders on November 11, and a second webinar with Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown on November 17. The November 17 event highlighted new strategies the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the University of Chicago Police Department (UCPD) are implementing to enhance safety, including increased patrols in the area, a 24-hour UCPD strategic operations center, increased use of security cameras and license plate readers, additional transportation options for the University community, and expanded coordination between the University and city police departments.

                • Yes. The Department of Safety & Security (DSS) manages approximately 350 emergency blue light phones throughout the UCPD patrol area as well as a large number of security cameras on and around campus. Cameras are in exterior as well as interior locations, following best practices and guidelines for their use in preventing crime and identifying suspects in crimes that have been committed. DSS also manages dozens of fixed license plate readers or (LPR) cameras at major vehicular thoroughfares and intersections in and adjacent to university property – these devices have aided in the solving of numerous crimes. All new UCPD cars are outfitted with mobile LPR technology that are deployed throughout the patrol area. The University also has more than 3,600 card access points within University buildings.

                  • The University recently launched a new safety portal that has valuable tips for staying safe in the city, around campus, where you live and work, while using transportation.

                    Additionally, the Department of Safety & Security (DSS) works closely with units across the University, including Campus and Student Life and Housing & Residence Life, to provide safety programming for students, faculty, and staff. Upon request, DSS can offer specific training to units and groups on campus. UCPD offers Residential Security Assessments for anyone living in a private residence in the UCPD patrol area.

                    DSS also offers self-defense classes. For more information or to sign up, visit the DSS website.

                    • Visit for information on the University’s shuttle system, Lyft Ride Smart, local and university subsidized CTA routes, real-time information on shuttles and buses, and more.