Fields Medal
Fields Medals are given every four years to the most distinguished mathematicians age 40 or under. In the absence of a Nobel Prize in mathematics, they are regarded as the highest professional honor a mathematician can attain. Canadian mathematician J. C. Fields donated funds establishing the medals and they were first awarded in 1936.
Field Medalists
Ngô Bao Châu
Professor, Mathematics Department, 2010
Andrei Okounkov
L.E. Dickson Instructor, Mathematics Department, 1996–99
Pierre-Louis Lions
Visiting Professor, 2014–present
Efim Zelmanov
Mathematics Department, 1994–95
John Griggs Thompson
PhD, Mathematics, 1959 Mathematics Department, 1962–68
Lars Hörmander
Visitor, Mathematics Department, Winter and Spring Quarters, 1956
Paul Joseph Cohen
PhD, Mathematics, 1958
Stephen Smale
Instructor, Department of Mathematics, 1956–58 Professor, Department of Mathematics and TTI, 2004–present
Vladimir Drinfeld
Harry Pratt Judson Distinguished Service Professor in Mathematics, 1999–present
Charles Louis Fefferman
Mathematics Department, 1970–73